Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Couple of New Things

First, Maggie has memorized a Bible verse! Here she is reciting it...
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me."
Psalm 10:14

Secondly, she is sleeping in her big girl bed for the first time tonight! It is a little like the first time we put her in the crib; we just have to let her cry it out:( It's more emotional then I thought it would be.
She has a few friends with her on the first night...Pooh, Tigger, Elephant, and Teddy.
I thank to Lord for giving us this ray of sunshine. I am starting to realize how quickly she will grow up and be on her own! I love you, Mags. I love when you ask me to say "prayers" with you at night. I love when you ask me to sing dada's song. I love when you want me to read the Bible to you; and, currently, when you ask to hear the story about Ruth. I love how tightly you hold me when you're scared or just want a hug. I love that you are a special reminder of God's grace and mercy.

1 comment:

  1. Mags is growing up so fast, can't believe she's in a big girl bed!
