Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Brent and Nancy's 60th

For over a year, we've wanted to do something special for Brent and Nancy's 60th birthdays. Nancy turned 60 on July 31st and Brent will turn 60 on September 3rd. 
 This is my partner in crime. We pulled off a surprise party with over 100 people!
 It was a lot of work to keep this a secret from them, but we ALL did it!
 After telling them to meet us at Natalia's, Carson and Catherine "bagged them"...
 ...we all waited quietly...
 It was an emotional moment to think, all of these people love and care dearly for Brent and Nancy... was a joyous moment with tears and laughter for all.
 The grandchildren broke the ice by running up to them...and Holden telling Nancy he had been watching Frozen.
 I love this picture of Nancy and Katie (Katie looks so much like Nancy's baby pictures).

 Dance Party for the kiddos. 

 So special to celebrate them.
 Spyros spoke...he has known Nancy since elementary school and then has been best friends with Brent since college. 
It was a great night. God has blessed me beyond belief with in-laws that fear Him, serve others, and love me as their own.

Since School Started...

...we take baths every night:) Before, I would let them skip baths or not wash their hair, now we have a bath and wash hair (and condition) every night. Katie always sits in the front and Mags in the back.
 ...still spend a lot of time outside.
 ...I enjoy lots of shopping trips to Kroger with this one. The other day she dragged her basket (with light bulbs) through the whole store. I like to take our time when we run into Kroger, after dropping Maggie off. We usually just need a few things, so I let her walk and help more than when I have both girls.
 ...Maggie acts older. She posed like this all by herself. 
 This little one is my new helper around the house.
 Bennett came in town for West's birthday party.
 ...we still go to Firehouse on Sundays (kids eat free).
 ...Katie and I have made a couple of donut runs:)
 Sometimes I think she has had the hardest time adjusting to Maggie being in school...
 ...then I treat her to a donut:)
 ...rearranging our schedule...Katie likes to nap in the carpool line and then not in the afternoon. 
 ...I love 12:30 pm.
 ...Katie gets 30 min of gymnastics time. She loves to put a stamp under her chin.

 ...we make it a priority to have family dinners...
 ...even if it's at Waffle House.
 ...these two still love to color at the pink table.
 ...I still have my morning workouts at the gym.
 ...Katie and I watch Maggie do gymnastics on Mondays after school.
 ...we still wait for daddy to get home.

 ...we still make trips to Kroger. (I feel like I go to Kroger everyday!)
 ...we still have dinner at friend's homes.
(the Tingle Home)

Life has been different since school started. We leave the house at 7:45am. Katie and I get a lot accomplished between then and picking her up at 12:30. On Tuesdays, Mia comes over so I can go to Pilates and run errands. Two weeks in and we are doing great! (meaning no melt downs...from Maggie, Katie has had a few:)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Let the New Stage of Life Begin...

We gave Maggie this necklace to celebrate her starting school and know that Jesus is always with her.

 Sunday evening, we had a party to celebrate Maggie starting school.

We also had the car cleaned.
(since my car will be seen everyday at's pretty much a DISASTER inside)

We have her these books to read about school.
 Our last morning of sleeping in...when Mags was little, we laid in bed for hours. Those days are over.
 Mags wanted a "P" on the car. It makes me feel old to have this!

 First day of school ever! We've never done MMO, or preschool anywhere else. This is it...our "stay at home all day" phase of life is over and school has begun. Maggie did ask, "How many days do I have to go to school, like, how old will I be when I don't have to go anymore?"

Her Desk/Table

 The last hug before she walked outside on the playground and became a "school girl".
There were days where I was ready to throw in the towel and send her to a school program, but I am thankful I kept her home for these 4 1/2 years. She is my mini me...emotional, shy at first, likes to have her way:). Poor Jack, but he handles us well. God has given her to us for such a short time. Some nights when she wouldn't sleep or days when she had spanking after spanking, I might not have been as thankful as I should have, but today, I rejoice in this little girl's growth and maturity...she's in School!