Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mia!

Today is Nancy's birthday...she is in Atlanta so we are sending her a little birthday video.

Happy Birthday, Mia! from Sara Pyles on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

St.Andrews Hymns

Our wonderful church in Columbus, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, has released a cd of hymns.
The musicians are amazing! Luke Addison and Zach Smith are two of the greats you will hear on there. They have redone some classics and put some new songs on there...check it out for yourself!


One of my favorites is, Eternal Father Strong to Save. It's the hymn of the navy and the new tune is great!

Also, Maggie loves the last song. She calls it "Andie's song" because there is a video they made and Andie (her bff in Columbus) makes an appearance:) It's a great song about the cross and His glory.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


We got a dog.
I can't believe it, but our friends Katherine and Robert needed to give him up...so we took him:)
The first night.
Today he sat in the kitchen while I cooked super.  
 We spent a lot of time outside today...
 Maggie loves him, but wants to keep her distance. This was the best one I have of them together.
 Her face shows her caution with him:)
 I think Jack decided to get him so he wouldn't be the only male in a house full of girls.
 24 hours down...we'll see how it goes over the next weeks!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Swim Lessons

Yesterday Maggie had her final swim lesson and time to show the parents what she learned. 
 Above is the lady bug that fascinated her everyday. Below, she is sitting in anticipation to "dive in" and show what she has learned.
 Splashing as they sang, "the kids in the pool kick their feet, kick their feet, kick their feet...."
 Her medal:)
 She was so proud of what she had learned.
Video of her "swimming" to come.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's A...

We are excited to announce the expectance of another GIRL!!!
For Father's Day we went to First Glimpse and found out we are expecting another girl! We told Brent and Ed when they came over to celebrate...they had no idea we had found out and were so caught of guard. We let Brent open a picture of Maggie holding the sign above. Then Ed opened a frame with the name inside...
Katherine Rodgers Pyles
Katherine is from Kathryne (Jack's sister)
Rodgers is Bubba's maiden name.

Today we had our 20 week ultrasound that confirmed her gender:) 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum

Today we took a trip down I-16. There we toured the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum full of World War II History.
 Maggie enjoyed all of the airplanes.

 There were great photos, videos, artifacts, and hands on activities to give you a glimpse into the War and what the Air Force achieved through their fearless fighters. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Braves Game

We took Maggie to her first Braves game.
 She loved it!
 Not to mention the great victory over the Cubs...and Chipper had 5 hits in the game.
 Caleb took Mags to get her first cup of Dippin' Dots.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Some pictures from VBS week...
 Tate and Parks
 Closing their eyes while we hide the sheep:)
 The face she had during the closing assembly.

She loved Bible School!