We gave Maggie this necklace to celebrate her starting school and know that Jesus is always with her.
Sunday evening, we had a party to celebrate Maggie starting school.
We also had the car cleaned.
(since my car will be seen everyday at carpool...it's pretty much a DISASTER inside)
We have her these books to read about school.
Our last morning of sleeping in...when Mags was little, we laid in bed for hours. Those days are over.
Mags wanted a "P" on the car. It makes me feel old to have this!
First day of school ever! We've never done MMO, or preschool anywhere else. This is it...our "stay at home all day" phase of life is over and school has begun. Maggie did ask, "How many days do I have to go to school, like, how old will I be when I don't have to go anymore?"
Her Desk/Table
The last hug before she walked outside on the playground and became a "school girl".
There were days where I was ready to throw in the towel and send her to a school program, but I am thankful I kept her home for these 4 1/2 years. She is my mini me...emotional, shy at first, likes to have her way:). Poor Jack, but he handles us well. God has given her to us for such a short time. Some nights when she wouldn't sleep or days when she had spanking after spanking, I might not have been as thankful as I should have, but today, I rejoice in this little girl's growth and maturity...she's in School!
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