Friday, July 12, 2013

Let's Play!!!

Maggie showing me how to hit the tball.
 Maggie explaining how to swing a tennis racket.
 Bennett has been in town this week. They had lunch in Maggie's pink castle. 
 Katie LOVED Bennett.
 It has been 3 1/2 years!
 Rolling down the hill.
 Maggie helping Jack prepare supper. 
 Katie has been eating real food...avocado, spaghetti, bananas, cherries.
 Maggie giving Katie a bath.
 Lucy came to play this morning.

 Maggie supervising playtime. 

 Bennett was here again today. Maggie loves having another 3 year old around!
 And Katie loves being entertained by another person.
 Trying to get a picture of all three.
 Poor Bennett had to play with all of our girly toys:)
 Thankfully we had some cars. Maggie and I built a road for Bennett, and Maggie even built a "town" for the road:)
 Oh, Jack and Mags are at a Braves game with the Addisons right now!
It's been a great week!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Maggie loves her "collections". Her collection of books. She "snacks" them.
 Katie is "collecting" some teeth. Two front bottom teeth and more to come.
 Katie is also starting to stand with some help.
 Maggie loves, loves, loves her rock "collection". I remember when I was a little girl and loved collecting rocks. Here she is hiding them in a little hole.
 Fourth of July at Granny's
 Katie has been "collecting" food all over herself as she tries new things: avocado, egg, cherrios, etc.
 When you have "collections", you need containers...empty peanut butter jars, baby food jars.
 She is "collecting" necklaces (she made these).
I am building up some collections of my own, some great memories of time with these girls! Maggie's servant heart for Katie. Katie's sweet laugh and bashful smile. Maggie's pretend stories of going to school and playing with Jane and Michael. Katie's curiosity of my face (I love the feeling of her little hands touching my eyes, nose, mouth, and cheeks). So thankful and full of blessings!