Monday, April 22, 2013

Katie Update

Our little bug is growing...too fast it seems!!!
 This was her first bottle of rice cereal.
 She has almost outgrown her baby bath tub.
 She sits in her Bumbo now.
 She loves her froggy.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


One of our babysitters, Sara Marie Baker, taught Maggie a "shopping game". She loves to play this game.
 She sets up her grocery store, then she fills her cart. We even made pretend money and use my label make as a cash register. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Katie Bug

Our Katie is growing so fast! Maggie couldn't be a better sister! She asks me every morning if Katie is awake yet and where she is.
 She is sweet and always smiling.
 It's a blessing to be entrusted with this sweet little girl. 
 We love our little bugga!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stanford Shower

Our friends, Mary Frances and Will, are having a baby girl! We had a shower for them last weekend...

Waffles' Escape

The other night our doorbell rang. It was Mr. Saunders from next door....and Waffles:) 

Friday, April 12, 2013

No Nap

After falling asleep to Maggie singing to herself at midnight, we decided to cut out her nap. It was a great decision! She goes to bed around 8 or 9 and falls to sleep immediately! The only problem is her falling asleep randomly throughout the week...
 Instead of a nap, she has a quiet time on her bed with books or puzzles. This is what I walk into sometimes.
 Oh, this one does take naps and sleeps throughout the day, I just love holding my sleeping baby.
***Because naps are gone, I no longer get my nap! In fact, with two children, my day zooms by (most of the time)! Maggie and I used to stare at each other until Jack got home from work. Now-a-days, he is home before I know it!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


When we started talking about Easter, Maggie remembered filling the eggs last year. So, we sat down and filled 75 eggs for the church hunt.
 It was a fun Easter Egg Hunt at the church...
 Maggie did much better this year than last year:)
 It was a lot of fun to put their Easter baskets together this year. Maggie was so excited to see them (I think she thought they were both for her:)

Taking Easter pictures with a 3 year old, 2 1/2 year old, and 3 babies...

Maggie and her "parasol" 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Will's 3rd Birthday

We ventured to Columbus (well Opelika) for Will Anderson's 3rd Birthday party.
Maggie loved the little pin where she could run around with the animals.
(clearly more of an animal person than me:)
 Of course she loved riding the horse!
 We found this amazing antique store!

 On the way back to Macon, we spent some time with the Addisons! We miss them so much. They came to visit us in the hospital and 4 months later, we finally get to see them again! 
 Luke built this amazing swing (yes Luke, I am complimenting you!).
The Addison's have such a special place in our hearts!

Cherry Blossom Festival 2013

Last month, we celebrated Macon's Cherry Blossom Festival.
After the Pink Pancake Breakfast, Holden and Mags rode the rides...

Last year was the first time Maggie rode a horse (pony:)...she did it again!
Katie and the twins... 

That evening we went to the Hot Air Balloons....

This time of year will always remind me of being pregnant with Katie. It was this time last year I started laying in bed all day due to nausea. And it's this time of year, I will always celebrate our beautiful family of four!