Sunday, December 30, 2012


Our Christmas Eve on Sunday night.
Our Christmas Morning (Monday)
We met the group at Twila Faye's in Bolingbroke...three car seats.


Christmas at Brent and Nancy's!

We were all opening gifts, I looked over and saw Maggie handing Holden powdered donuts...we aren't sure how many they had, but they were sitting so quietly at the table...powder donuts are a Pyles' tradition for Christmas morning.
Charlie, Holden, Tucker, Mags, and Katie

Pink Pig
Holden was brave enough to take a picture with the Pink Pig, Maggie was not. Maggie rode with Aunt Kate and loved the "tunnel!"
We celebrated our 5th Anniversary! The day was a typical day for us - feeding Katie, cleaning, laundry, Kroger, and trying to clean up from Christmas. So thankful for our 5 years together and hope to celebrate next year with a return to NYC!

Hanging out at Ed's house. Car Car's last night in Macon.

 Uncle Joseph and baby Katie

Four Generations:
My Nanny and Grampy
 My Mom with the Girls
 Thanks for all of the Christmas Cards! Sadly I took them down today and packed them away.
One of our favorite things to do every Christmas is look through the cards from the previous years! I save all of them!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's Beginning... look a lot like Christmas!
On our way to Church on Sunday morning.
 Maggie intensely helping me wrap presents. 
 Kicking off the weekend with the Tingle's. 
Lucy and Katie
 Ed's Christmas...a tradition of Santa singing and dancing.
 Trying to capture a picture of all EIGHT great grandchildren:
Holden, Tucker, Katie, Charlie R., Maggie, Jack, Charlie N., and Anderson

 Maggie loves him...she calls him, "My Ed".
 Ed's little Tree
 Jack took Maggie to see the Polar Express at the Sports Hall of Fame.

Monday, December 17, 2012


These days, the only thing that seems to have order are Maggie's charts and activities:) She loves for things to be in order. Thankfully we no longer have to reward her to use the potty, but we have left up her "potty chart" as a reminder of her progress.
 Thank you to the Kross family for the fun bath time toy...
 Again, we no longer have to use the sticker chart, but all of them decorate Maggie's room.
The past two years we spent hours making sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies...this year, the best I could do was one batch of cookies:)

We enjoy laying around in the morning...

Maggie wrapping Katie's Christmas Present
We had a special delivery from Anna Barnes; the cookies were delicious!
Jack and Mags went to Carson's graduation. While they were gone, I wrapped...
Hopefully "order" will start to return to our house. I miss organizing and cleaning, but, for now, I will just soak in the chaos of having  a new born and 3 year old (and hardly any sleep:)!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Life is Different

Two Kids. Two Schedules. Two blessings from God. 
 As I am more tired than I have ever been in life, I am also more thankful and humbled to be the mother of these two beautiful girls. (I am way to tired to be writing a blog post, but here goes:)
 Having a second child has pointed out my sin more than ever - my selfishness, my impatience. It's also made me cry out for God's grace. 
 Hunter's sermon two weeks ago made me see how the Lord has entrusted these two lives to Jack and me...they are His and we are stewards called to raise them. I pray I will invest in them, love them, show them the Gospel. I pray He has called them to be His and will preserve them throughout their lives. 
 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’" Matthew 25:14-30

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas and Katie

Christmas is here!
This is what our day is like...find Katie and you find Maggie loving on her...all the time! 
Katie wearing one of Maggie's old Christmas outfits.

Come, thou long expected Jesus, 
 born to set thy people free; 
 from our fears and sins release us...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


On my birthday, the 15th, we went to a VIP party for the special viewing of the final Twilight movie. 
 My good friend Angie gave me the tickets.
 Maggie came to the party and then left for the movie, but she had the best time there.
 So, this was the evening before Katie was born.
 I had no idea that hours later I would be going to the hospital to have our sweet baby girl!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


November 27th we celebrated two birthdays. Maggie turned 3 and my Grampy Gorveatte turned 77. My grandparents traveled up from Florida to celebrate with us. 

 Mags has been such a help with Katie! She loves her little sister so much!