Wednesday, September 26, 2012

They are Here!

Monday, a little before noon, I received a phone call from Kate..."Y'all need to leave for Chattanooga right now!" We loaded up and hit 75N. That evening TUCKER and CHARLIE arrived!
 Examining my new nephew...Tucker Norwood.

 Mags holding Charlie Brent.

So excited they are here and healthy! I miss them already! More photos and some fun footage to come...of Mags and Holden waiting at the hospital!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Our Little Maggie

We are a little more than two months away from baby Katie's due date. With the countdown beginning, I am also counting my precious time with little Mags. She is truly so sweet and a light of happiness that the Lord has blessed our family with.
As I type this she is in bed for the night, but singing "deep and wide". She loves to talk and sing at night, which we love to sit and listen to. 

Yesterday, she looked at me and said, "I want to meet baby Katie." She is so excited about having a little sister to love on and care for. She talks about teaching baby Katie to play football and swim and do puzzles.

My favorite thing is laying in bed with her in the morning. She is so "snugglie"! She wears these adorable froggie pajamas.

She loves to talk. She tells Jack about her days when he gets home. She really likes "rock and roll" music right now. She wants to have a cinderella birthday party. There are so many moments I just stop and thank God for. Thank Him I am at home watching her grow. Thank Him for a healthy and happy little girl. Thank Him for His unrelenting grace.

This is a snapshot of Jack and Maggie watching college football on Saturday night. We are cherishing our family of three, but looking forward to our family of four!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tech Game

Mags went to her first Tech game of the year. She loved it!
Before she went, I asked her what she did at a football game. She said, "Go Jackets!" and she also said she eats.
As soon as they walked in the stadium she looked up at Jack and said, "I hungry."
The game was such a runaway...she took a nap:)
Some video from my interview with her when she got home:)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Jack's BDay

Today is Jack's birthday...
 ...Mags and I bought him an ice cream cake from DQ.
 We sang "Happy Birthday!"
 He is two years away from the big 30!
 Then we went to Bass Pro Shop.
 Next birthday there will be THREE girls celebrating with him!
Happy Birthday!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lila Dawn's Party

Today we celebrated Lila Dawn's 2nd birthday. Here is Mags on her way out the door (Hello Kitty back pack on and ready to go:).
 Blowing Bubbles with Daddy
 Giving the birthday girl a hug.
 Holden running through the slip and slide sprinkler.
 They had such a fun time!
 Oakley and Mags
 Maggie loving on Oakley
 Maggie enjoying a birthday cupcake.

Friday, September 7, 2012


We have been back and forth to Chattanooga two different times in the past two weeks. With an almost 3 year old and 7 month pregnant me, that's a big deal:) We have enjoyed our time up there. Here is Mags on one of the trips...she seems to be a better traveler than me:)
 Last Saturday they took Uncle Bryant's (or Bear as Mags calls him) boat on the river.
I think our next trip up there will be to meet the twins!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Holden and Mags

Here are some videos of Holden and Maggie...from last time I was in Chattanooga.