We just got back from a week long vacation in Ponte Vedra with the Pyles'...
Mags putting her shades on for the beach.

She had the best time with her uncles...

...BIG and CARCAR as she calls them.

Aunt Kate and CarCar

She had the best time with Holden.

We tried to burry them in the sand, but Mags was smarter than that:)

She thought Holden was her little baby...

...which means making sure he gets his veggies.

Jacksonville Zoo was a highlight of the week.

All she wanted to see was the "elpant".

Aunt Kate and Holden taught her how to make the elephant sound.

The zoo was a fun experience!

While everyone enjoyed the giraffes, Maggie was unsure.

The whole gang.

Mags and Holden watching the animals...

...and loving each other.

She loved trying on Big's shoes.

I am so glad that Maggie loved the OCEAN!

It was great!

A final snapshot...one last picture from behind:)