Outside: Maggie's favorite place to be.
As soon as breakfast is over, "Outside, Play". As soon as nap and snack is over, "Outside, Play". We are getting ready for bed, "Outside, Play."
These days I hear those words and just thank God for the blessing little Maggie is and how blessed we are to be called to raise her. I am so thankful she can play outside. I am so thankful I can spend so much time with her!
Well, today we went to Uncle Bryant's pool with Steph.
She loved the float Aunt Kate and Big gave her...until we tried to put her in it:) We will have to ease into the float idea.
She loved the pool and she is trying to swim!
My favorite is when she "lays out" with Aunt Stephanie.
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3