To be honest, there are some really hard days here and there. I'm reminded of the words of David, "I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning." (Psalm 59:16) Literally we start our day of with singing.
We have become morning people around here! Sweet little Maggie loves to wake up anywhere between 6:30 am and 8:00 am. Thankfully she sleep for 6-8 hours at a time though! One of the things I've learned about each morning is the Lord gives us a new start everyday. If Maggie didn't have a good day or night, the morning gives us a fresh start.
After her morning feeding, we sit in our brown rocker by the window and talk and sing. Then I lay her in the rainforest while I get s few things done (maybe shower or start some laundry). This last for about 15 to 20 min.
We then move to my bedroom where she lays on/in the bed and watches me get ready for the day and pick up the room (this lasts about 10 min before she starts balling).

After we finish cleaning up our rooms, we move to the den so I can get started on cleaning the kitchen and den and checking e-mail. All of this sounds pretty simple, but when she only last for 10 to 20 min in each position, time gets chopped up easily.

I then feed her again and after the feeding she is ready to be wrapped up and rocked to sleep for a nap.